Fiesta de Fuego in Rasquera...and more building
Wall is all pointed now
Stairs from casita!
Paul putting final touches to casita. Just as well as we're moving out in a few months...Looks darn good though!
More stair shots. This is our new evening hangout, when we finally make it outside about seven in the evening, when it's cool enough and the flies are not so bothersome.
AND more stairs going down to front door of casita - nice not to slide down rubble with heavy shopping bags anymore to get to the door.
Kitchen ceiling in the big house - has come out pretty good, eh?
We went to a fiesta in Rasquera (the nearest town, population 864). Fire and dragons, loads of death-defying fun and singed hair. Bless the Spanish - a fiesta ain't a fiesta if there's not a rather good chance you'll die celebrating it. I wouldn't have it any other way - where's the fun if it's not a little bit scary? Went with a bunch of friends and I am sure we all felt like kids for a while, screaming and giggling, running away from the scary fire-belching monster and the little devils with their firesticks who chase you, especially if you're blonde. Everyone was really excited. But then perhaps we should get out more...

The photos are pretty crap but you try taking them with
Paul's stupid camera when there's fire and screaming and banging all around you...Guess I'll never be a photo journalist.
Never seen Rasquera like this...
This thing here below, far left, is being hauled up with three other scary things by a crane, really high. We couldn't decide whether it was a ghost, angel or a jellyfish. And those are Tracy's and Domingo's heads, just...
Sam wasn't scared of the dragon.