Springtime in Spaiiin!!
The rain is still falling and I am loving it probably as much as the vegetables and the flowers - everything is growing amazingly!
Now on our third set of builders, we are chugging along with the work. The house is being rendered on the outside which is starting to make it look like...a house!!! It is massive, now that the new extension is built, will try to throw up some updated pictures.
Leaving for Zanzibar in a couple of days - that one still feels completely unreal!! We are celebrating Pauls birthday in style, on the Spice Island and I think it might be an amazing experience. And the builders will stay here and finish off the rendering and some other work, so when we come home lots of things will have been done (fingers xxxxx!!!). It feels almost wrong to leave at this time, what with the garden and all but we have gotten a house/catsitter, Jack, who will hopefully take care of things. We also discovered we have another houseguest...Look carefully at piccie above.
Holy crap!
That was a sure way to keep me from coming to Spain! Snakes in the house! Goddamn Snakes IN the Goddamn House!!
Thats one thing inherited from my mother, me no like snake! Snake very bad!
Hoppas det var en skön semester, jag och pappa hade det jättebra i NYC, riktigt cool semester. Hörs av när ni är hemma. Eller är ni hemma?
Kram M
Still no postcard
Haven't got your address Haz. Might help.
Var nu inte så pjåskig Martin. Man kan inte ha rakat huvud och vara jättestor och samtidigt vara rädd för ormar. Såna är reglerna - tyvärr. Plus att han ju inte bor I huset, han bor i ytterväggen. Tror jag...Det finns en annan (eller kanske samma, vet ej, de har inte presenterat sig) som bor i stora huset. Men där bor inte vi än så jag bryr mig inte. Vi tänkte installera eventuella sommargäster där så länge. HAHAHAHAHAHA.
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