The Garrido Adventure
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Went up until the road ends
in the Cardo valley. There is an old monastery being converted into a spa and a spring-water company has its facilities there. The monks in the monastery, when it was used for spiritual purposes rather than its future purpose of pure indulgence (hey I have no probs at all with that), encouraged hermitage and solitary contemplation. Hence there are a range of impossible little structures perched as precariously as the pines, on the tops of rocks, seemingly sustained and supported by nothing but rock and the mountain air, all around the actual monastery. I am in one of these in this picture. Crazy construction!! Reason that there is no pic of it from a distance is that camera memory got full...Next time, and there will be a next time...This valley retreat rejuvenates and exhilarates the spirit (and all the rest) like few others I have experienced.
well, newbie blogger that I am I didn't realise that I couldn't just upload piccies and comments and then not move them around to make it's all a bit of a mess I'm afraid. As you have probably realised by now. Or perhaps you CAN move things around, I haven't spent that much effort doing this. However, I will just shove up a few new piccies and try to be more coherent and make more sense in the future. No that is just referring to the blog not me as a person, awright? ;-)
Sunday, November 19, 2006
This is called a solar shower
Showering this summer involved waiting until the builders had gone, timing it right so the shower wasn't in the shade yet, then running around under it to catch the few drops that weren't blown away by the fierce winds. And then just hoping they were somewhere around body temperature when you managed to get a bit wet. And that was a good day, as it meant that the water pump had decided to work for a little while. Can't fault the view though...